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Shia Muslims mourn death of Professor Sibt-e-Jaffar Zaidi - 20 March 2013 - English

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Shia Muslims Mourn Death Of Professor Sibt-E-Jaffar Zaidi - 20 March 2013 - English
\\\"Murder of Urdu literature\\\" as many here put it, Professor Syed Sibt-e-Jaffar Zaidi was a renowned Shia Scholar, poet and academic who was gunned down in Karachi on Monday when he was commuting in the city near his college on his motorbike. The news of his death came as another... Show More >>
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Prof. Sibt-e-Jaffar Zaidi has thousands of students in the field of reciting Noha throughout Pakistan.



The PTV reporter Mr. Toori is not a professional reporter. His body language shows he is shallow in studies.



Bralvi Muslims were targetted by Devband (indian wahabism of UP) so they were converted to Devbandism by mutiple ways. But Shia Muslims proved strong and remained firm with true Islam. So formerly strong population of Bralvi Muslims was cut to Devbandism. Now Shias are 36-39% as 65-69 Million out of 200 Million Pakistani population.



Mr. Toori PTV reporter is biased! He MUST study shia population,i.e. research studies of PEW-27%, CIA-29%, UNDP-31%. These are against Shias. Shias are 36% in Pakistan. Heavy reversion, Muta practice, and research work by Sunni Pirs (Saints), professors and scholars allow them to revert to true Islam, i.e. Shias.